Project Description
BENZOL® Heat Transfer oil 22 is specially designed for closed heat circulation systems operating under low pressure. It is formulated with selected mineral type base oil and special additive components which provides distinct performance benefits when operating at temperature 300°C. It’s excellent thermal and oxidation stability offers long term service life for the heat exchanging system. It’s low pour point property provides easier starting and faster oil circulation at low temperatures, reduced warm-up time, and reduced oil consumptions
BENZOL® Heat Transfer oil 22 is intended for heat processing usage such as oil & gas processing units, pharmaceutical, glass, fiber & Resin, chemical, textile and food processing industries which are requiring a temperature delivery up to 310°C.
Performance Benefits:
- Provides excellent thermal stability
- Reduces oil consumption in circulation system
- Prevents from residue formation
- Provides superior high temperature oxidation stability
- Reduced system maintenance cost
- Provides excellent rust and corrosion protection